Why Our Instructors are the Best!
Great Teachers/Instructors are an enormous part of today’s child development. This is why it’s imperative to pick and choose the best Teachers/instructor to be a part of your Team. With our company you can rest assure and feel confident that you are choosing the best of the best. Our Instructors are very important as they help build our customer relationships and build the company’s foundation.
Our selection of highly qualified and experienced instructors is unmatched in the industry of child enrichments. We hire high-level instructors who are articulate, intelligent, and experienced. They are good people who sincerely care about their students. Our compassionate and dependable instructors are committed to success.
The best qualified instructors in the industry require teaching excellence. This gives them the ability to be hands on. Having prior teaching experience provides the skills needed to facilitate an effective classroom. Most companies do not require any experience to become an instructor.
Having a stable instructor is important to class dynamics and consistency. We have one instructor per school so students can get to know their instructor and form a comfortable fun and nurturing relationship with them. Our instructors stand out from the competition because we pride our self’s in putting in the extra time attention and care.
Adaptive Instructors
Our Instructors are adaptive and flexible to the needs of their class. Their empathy and experience in understanding children allows them to present and adapt the curriculum to the learning styles and children’s unique learning patterns of the class.
Ongoing Training Effectiveness
Every Shua Life Skills instructor is thoroughly trained in our methods and curriculum. They are fully prepared and versed, and are experts in our core strategy, structure, and methodology. Unlike other companies all of our instructors are trained by top management; every instructor we hire comes to us with a solid foundation of skills necessary to be an effective instructor and we help them grow and develop the skills through our rigorous training program so that our instructors provide the best class possible. Instructors are provided a foundation in the Shua Life methodology with the most comprehensive materials and resources available. This results in instructors who have all the necessary training, materials, and resources to effectively and successfully teach our enrichment Programs. We invest in our instructors and they in turn put a considerable amount of time in preparing for each class.
Review and Evaluation
Our instructors are consistently reviewed on their effectiveness and performance. We help instructors build a track record of success through continued and ongoing evaluation. We seek customer/client and parent feedback. We review this feedback with the instructor and integrate this information and our evaluations to help instructors improve their teaching performance. With
Continued reviews and evaluations from our customers, staff, and management, instructors perform at their highest level, and in turn provide the best results.
Shua Life instructors have the charisma to facilitate child relationships in the class, and they have the energy to make classes enjoyable, exciting and fun! They are easy going, willing to help, and responsive to the needs of the children in their care. They make class engaging so you are excited to come back for more. Our enthusiastic instructors create a positive learning environment and make class fun.
Other requirements
*Finger Printed and background check
*Shua Structure System behavior modification trained